Forum du bilinguisme

    Contact informations

    Place Robert-Walser 7
    Case postale 439
    CH-2503 Biel / Bienne

    Member of the project group

    Minela Pulvirenti
    +41 32 323 22 80

    Movetia – Echanges et mobilité

    Contact informations

    Dornacherstrasse 28A
    CH-4500 Solothurn

    Member of the project group

    Laura Hodel
    +41 32 462 00 83

    Canton de Neuchâtel

    Contact informations

    CH-2000 Neuchâtel

    Member of the project group

    Stephan Bucher
    +41 32 717 50 55

    Canton de Zurich

    Contact informations

    Ausstellungsstrasse 80
    CH-8090 Zurich

    Member of the project group

    Nicole Bandion
    Leiterin Fachstelle Mobilität
    +41 43 259 78 51